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Enter the Contest

The Modern Muse

First Five Pages


Submit your first five pages (up to 1500 words)


Our editors judge submissions quarterly.


We accept: Literary and General Fiction, Thrillers, Mysteries, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Romance, YA, MG, Memoir and Creative Non-fiction.


Winners receive a developmental critique and

line edit of their first chapter, up to 15 pages.

A $350 Value

Contest Entries

To Enter Contest:

We accept: Literary and General Fiction, Thrillers, Mysteries, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Romance, YA, MG, Memoir and Creative Non-fiction.

Put your submission of the first five pages (up to 1,500 words) into the body of the email. No File Attachments will be opened. 

Standard Manuscript Formatting:

- 12 pt, Times New Roman or similar font, double-spaced lines, paragraphs indented.

Winners will be selected quarterly during the months listed below. 

- Winter Contest: January - March

- Spring Contest:  April - June

- Summer Contest: July - September

- Fall Contest: October - December 

There is no age or location limitation to enter or to win, and not limit to how many times you can enter.


Lisi Lopez, Winner of the Winter First Five Pages Contest!

At Modern Muse for Writers, we are proud to share our winner, Lisi Lopez, winner of an editorial review of her book’s first chapter!


Lisi Lopez is an engineer who became an advocate for Down Syndrome awareness following her middle child’s diagnosis in 2017. Her writing has been featured on platforms such as Her View From Home, Love What Matters, and Orange Socks. Lisi also manages an advocacy account for her son and others who have Down Syndrome, striving to create a world where his extra chromosome is celebrated rather than seen as a disability. Follow their journey at @ourextraluckyworld.


Residing in Florida, Lisi is currently working on her memoir about her son’s diagnosis as well as her debut fictional novel, a WWII historical romance set to be released in September 2025. To stay updated on her writing journey, follow her at @lisiwrites. 

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